The Best Mac Mini Peripheral Bundle

2012 May 4

The Mac Mini is a great little computer.  It’s got a lot packed in there, even some pretty nice built-in speakers (as long as you’re not an audiophile).  If you’re interested in getting a Mac on your desktop for under $600, this is the way to go.  To get a full computer setup, though, you will need some peripherals:  a keyboard, mouse, and monitor.  If you don’t have these already lying around, let me recommend this set of peripherals to complement the Mac Mini.  These are all available from, and all qualify for free shipping!


First, a monitor: HP 20″ LCD.  No need to pay extra $$ for the Apple display. This is a great monitor for a little over $100 (at The Mac Mini includes an HDMI to DVI converter cable, so you can use any monitor that supports DVI, which is pretty much all of them these days.  (Want more screen?  Try this excellent 24″ LCD from Asus.)

Next, a keyboard: You could get the official Apple keyboard, but let’s pretend you want to save some money and stick with the black peripheral color theme.  If you don’t mind using a PC keyboard (with a WIN-key instead of the command-key), you can get a basic USB keyboard from AmazonBasics.  A wireless keyboard and mouse are always an option.  Personally, I don’t mind wires, and no batteries.

Now a mouse: Standard USB mouse, from AmazonBasics.  Two buttons + scroll wheel + free shipping = great deal.

What about a CD/DVD drive?  Yes, please.  Remember there is no optical drive included with the newest Mac Mini model, so if you need to read or write CDs or DVDs, you’d better get an external drive. I recommend the AmazonBasics CD/DVD writer. It’s slim, black, and powered through USB alone, so no power adapter to mess with. The square footprint of the DVD drive is smaller than the square Mac Mini, but complements it just the same.  (Second option for DVD writer.)

You want to videochat, too?!?  OK, with this super cool and inexpensive Kinobo USB webcam, you can Skype or Facetime with your buddies (includes a built-in mic).

That’s it, pick up all these peripherals to turn your Mac Mini into a stylish, fully functioning Mac workstation, all for under $180 (with free shipping) if you order from using the links included here.

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