The Best Stuff
Basically this is a list of some of my favorite stuff. Gifts, products, things that I like that make my life more pleasant, usually in a small way. But little things can add up and make a difference.
So far, I’m tracking 3 categories:
1) Stuff. As in physical stuff or products/services that are useful.
2) Software. I’m a programmer geek, so my list is mostly along those lines. Programming or productivity tools are mostly what I’ll link to.
3) Audio podcast. I listen to a lot of audio. Driving to work, doing the dishes, painting a room; these are all excellent opportunities to fire up the iPod and listen to a message. I usually try to redeem the time by listening to a sermon or conference message from some of my favorite teachers/pastors. Like John Piper, Matt Chandler, RC, CJ, or “Rev Kev” DeYoung. Follow if you wanna know what I’m listening to and being impacted by.